HM157 is jazzed beyond words to present : Billygoat with Extra Special guests : Dirt Bird + Bloody Death Skull + Sea of Bees
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Presented by L.A. RECORD and FEVER
$10 Donation
Please RSVP for this Private event. HM157 is now a Private DIY Membership association.
To join, please contact Charon Nogues: [email protected]
We are in the process of becoming a non-profit, therefore we cannot have alcohol present until we can get the proper permits
Note : Billygoat's art will be on display & for sale
Originally based in L.A., the duo relocated to Portland, Oregon to continue their work in animation and fine art.
Klein and Woolley initially formed as the musical/visual duo of Billygoat, producing animated art films and performing their live, original scores. The films have been described as "stop-motion shorts of staggering complexity," created one tiny movement at a time via tens of thousands of individual photographs of an ever-morphing art piece. These photos are then stitched together to become an elaborately detailed and captivating art film, bringing their other-worldly aesthetic to life.
Dirt Bird
Dirt Bird is an art project from Los Angeles that plays intoxicating, operatic, timeless music with haunting vocal harmonies, harmonium, subtle drums, bells and more intermingle as if in a dream. These impeccably tight and talented musicians create their own unique brand of folk-meets-classical music fit for the rulers of the universe***
Sacred music for secular people.
Bloody Death Skull
Psychic automatism in its pure state...
"Tin pan Dali" "Experimental neo-soul"
Mock-dirgy sockhop". "Musically, the band swirls together whatever sounds, toys and instruments they enjoy through a bunch of pedals and cables and ukuleles and things hooked up improperly...into a pleasant, lo-fi pop sound, rooted in the sort of fun, sappy, playful and sneaky tunes you find in late-50s American Rock and Soul. Visually, the outfits, toys, lights and bubbling test tubes are a feast. It’s a PBS daycare set.
Sea Of Bees
Sea of Bees is the musical project of Julie Ann Bee, or Jules as everyone calls her. She sings, writes the songs, and plays lots of musical instruments. "If I had to sum her up in a sentence, she’s sort of a female Sparklehorse. Her music is rooted very much in folk and rock but wildly experimental; some crazy, beautiful, wonderful sounds." "Folky in some places, gauzy and ambient in others and twee as hell in still others, but beautiful throughout, and a potent reminder that emotional virtue is an artist’s most precious commodity. This one’s special, folks, let’s not screw it up."
HM157's resident High Priestess of Visuals :
THE MYSTERY MACHINE will curate sonic accompaniment to her intoxicating live visuals influenced by the moment

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